We have found over a period of time that the relevance of the size of an image is often lost on WordPress editors or authors.
The implications of inserting a large image can be onerous:
- Google respects a web page that loads quickly and marks down a slow loading page – large images cause slow loading
- Users get bored and leave the page if the image loads too slowly
- Mobile users have poorer connections generally so have even less patience with slow pages
SOLUTION – load the right size image for the page or location where it is being utilised!
This is all very well until 3rd parties load content into your site, at this stage you lose control.
To resolve this we have found a great little plugin that stops the insertion of images beyond a certain size
(Size is specified by the Administrator)
- Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload to upload the plugin or Search Plugins
- Search on WP Image Size Limit
- Click “Activate” to activate the plugin.
- Go to Settings -> Media enter the maximum file size you accept on your host
- 1mb is generally more than ample even for full screen images
- You can check what this will look like by going to Media -> Add New -> and look at the base of the upload box