Hosting Terms & Conditions

This document identifies the services included in your hosting arrangement with iMarketing.


Website Hosting

Definition – The storage of your website and access to your website by visitors and any associated email accounts.

Your hosting includes but is not limited to:

  1. 5gb Hosting Space (Including emails)
  2. Unlimited Bandwidth.
  3. 1 domain per account (subsequent domains are charged extra)
  4. 2 instances of any CMS installations per domain/account
  5. 50 Pop/IMAP Email Accounts
  6. FTP access.
  7. Unlimited MYSQL databases.

Email Hosting

Definition – The creation of email addresses, on your server.

Your email support includes:

  1. The creation of the initial email address on your domain server. All subsequent email addresses and the maintenance of those addresses are carried out by the client.
  2. Remote login assistance with setting up the email accounts on your email client.
    (up to a maximum of 5 and mobile devices excepted)
  3. Assistance with other email clients BUT NOT SOLUTIONS (if there are issues).
  4. Resetting passwords, deleting email addresses.

Your email support excludes:

  1. The creation/support of the setup of email addresses in web enabled mobile devices (Blackberries iPhones or the like).
  2. Extensive configuration of Email clients on customer’s own computers.

Our role is to supply you with the ability to send and receive emails from your domain server, if an issue is identified then we:

  1. Ensure that the server is operating appropriately
  2. Review recent actions on your local account that may have affected things – then repair them
  3. If this is the case then we will do our best efforts to assist in resolving your account by providing no more than 5 mins of telephone support.
  4. If we are unable to resolve the issue in that time frame then we insist on remote access.

Any “off-server” support is “best effort” meaning we will try for a period of time and if we are unable to solve the issue quickly then we will refer you to a local supplier.

Exclusions – Offline vs Online

All services are restricted to the supply of online support directly related to your website hosting or email account. iMarketing do NOT support any offline services including those related to your business/office /personal computers e.g. outlook, Microsoft office, mobile devices, personal software etc.


1. Account setup

Your account will be set up after we have received full payment for all subscribed services.

2. Payment information

You agree to supply appropriate payment for the services received from iMarketing, in advance annually for the time period during which such services are provided. You agree that until and unless you notify iMarketing of your desire to cancel any or all services received, those services will be billed on a recurring basis.

3. Cancellation & Refunds

iMarketing reserves the right to cancel the account at any time in case of a breach of the terms within this agreement.

Each account is contracted on an annual basis therefore customers may only cancel at the end of their annual contract. Should customers wish to cancel they MUST serve notice 2 months prior to the end of their existing contract.

If you wish to cancel your hosting during the course of the contract then iMarketing reserve the right to charge 3 months hosting in lieu of notice. In addition a administration fee of $40 USD will be charged.

4. Host Content

All services provided by iMarketing may only be used for lawful purposes. This includes, but not limited to: copyrighted material, and not material we judge to be threatening or obscene.

5. Resource Usage

Users may not initiate the following:

  1. Use 25% or more of system resources for longer than 90 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
  2. Run any type of interactive real-time chat applications that require server resources.
  3. Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
  4. Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
  5. Run any bit torrent, or any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, etc.

6. Bandwidth Usage

You are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. Should your account pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to:

  1. Suspend the account until the start of the next allocation,
  2. Suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee,
  3. Suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package,
  4. Terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the over usages.

7. Spam Policy – zero tolerance

We take a zero tolerance stance against sending of unsolicited e-mail, bulk emailing, and spam.

In order to manage this each email account is restricted to a maximum send of 100 emails per hour.

iMarketing at its sole discretion reserves the right to require changes or disable as necessary any web site that does not comply with this policy. iMarketing also reserves the right to make any such modifications in an emergency at our sole discretion.

iMarketing reserves the right to charge the holder of the account used to send any unsolicited e-mail a clean up fee. This cost of the clean up fee is left entirely to the discretion of iMarketing.

Should any IP addresses get blacklisted as a result of the sending of any spam emails then iMarketing reserves the right to charge for the administration required to remove all blacklist references.

8. Email usage

If required iMarketing will set your account up with emails via the exim email client.

These accounts have limits of 100 emails per hour and 500mb disk storage.

In all instances if these limits are breached we will at our own discretion:

  1. Suspend the account
  2. Stop the emails.
  3. Send them but highlight they may be spam.
  4. Stop the emails and warn you not to do it again.
  5. Close your account with NO recourse.
  6. In any instance where a mass send is the cause of a blacklisting then iMarketing will charge for reinstatement of our white list status

In no instances will iMarketing be held responsible for any manual email campaigns that you may propagate that may cause email delivery failure or worse still cause your account to get closed.

9. Backups and data loss

Your use of our service is at your sole risk. IMarketing is not responsible for files and data residing on your account.

The hosting that iMarketing contracts for backs up each website weekly on a Sunday. However iMarketing will not be held responsible should that backup fail or should the data not be available, unless the premium support package is contracted.

We will, if you request, restore your site at its last backup point (the previous Sunday) on no more than 3 occasions in any 12 month period – on your instruction. Any restore that requires us to import your site from the offsite backup will cost 5,000 THB.

Offsite backups are kept for 1 month.

10. Viruses

Occasionally your site may become virused, impregnated with 3rd party code that is/may be deemed to be malicious or to be malware. Should this occur then your site may be suspended until such time as the offending code is removed. The cost of virus removal will be at the customer’s expense, unless the premium support package is contracted for.

If the premium package is contracted for then we will initially restore from the last clean backup, thereafter we will remove the infected code from your site and upgrade any and all security functionality within the site.

Any virus removal is restricted ONLY to WordPress or PHP sites. Joomla or Drupal site cleaning will need to be carried out by your own coders.

11. Site Maintenance/Upgrades & Hacking

The principal causes of a hacked site are:

  1. Poor passwords
  2. Unmaintained plugins
  3. Out of date source code
  4. Poorly coded plugins (for CMS systems)

The above instances enable a hacker to break into the site easily. The implications of any hack are extensive hacks may “cross fertilize” (cross server scripting/XSS) this means the implications of a hack may be server wide and may bring down all the sites on the server.

It is incumbent on the site owner to reduce the possibility of a “hack” this should be done in 2 principal ways, (1)Use difficult passwords (2)Ensure that all systems are upgraded and maintained using the latest versions of the software or plugins.

In view of the implications of XSS, iMarketing expect every owner to upgrade whenever possible (Premium customers get this done by iMarketing). In instances where a upgrade is due and this is not being applied then iMarketing will:

  1. Request the site owner to upgrade
  2. If the upgrade is not done or there is no response iMarketing will carry out the upgrade on the owners behalf and charge accordingly

In the case of point 2 iMarketing will not be held to be responsible for any upgraded sites that fail.

For those site owners who do not wish to manage their own upgrades iMarketing offer premium site support, this not only ensures that all sites are maintained, upgraded and supported but also offers instant response in the case of hacking (see service levels).

Site Restore

If your site, following an upgrade by you fails then iMarketing will on your instructions:

  1. Attempt to rectify the issue instantly or
  2. Restore your site to its last backup point (the previous Sunday) and
  3. Then await further instructions

The cost of doing this will be charged at iMarketing’s prevailing hourly rate.

12. DOS

Very occasionally your site may suffer a “denial of service attack” if this attack is sufficiently sophisticated it may affect the performance of the server, in these instances we reserve the right to load a under construction page or even to suspend the site for a period of time. If on reinstatement the attack continues we will assist you in sourcing a DOS supplier at your own cost.

13. Support

iMarketing provide hosting support between the hours of 02.00 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. (GMT). Support outside these hours may be contracted for separately.

This support includes:

  1. Website access issues attributable to the hosting account.
  2. All non-deliverability email issues directly related to your hosting account.

This support does NOT include

  1. The setup, management and deliverability issues of mobile devices (iphone, Blackberry etc)
  2. The management (following setup) of all email clients. (Outlook etc)
  3. The setup of databases and any other hosting requirement that may be part of a website that iMarketing is not involved in.
  4. The repair or rectification of any website impregnated with Malware.
  5. The updating of any online software or services (unless the premium support package is contracted for)

In order to avail yourself of this support please email

14. Charging

iMarketing contract with 3rd party host services. The charge is comprised of the cost of the server facilities and iMarketing support. The charges are calculated based on the predicted workload required to support your account. Should this support level alter (usually by the addition of sites, the storage of content, increased usage of server space, increased support requirement, the increase of email addresses or by the addition of complexity (databases etc) then iMarketing reserve the right to alter the charging structure.

15. Indemnification

The customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold iMarketing harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees asserted against iMarketing, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, its agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless iMarketing against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with iMarketing; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective products sold to customers from iMarketing’s server.

16. Disclaimer

iMarketing will not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer as a result of the failure of any hosting or email service. IMarketing makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. IMarketing disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by iMarketing and its employees.

17. Changes to terms of service

iMarketing reserves the right to revise its policies at any time without notice.

Hosting Service Levels:

Standard Hosting

  1. 5gb hosting space
  2. 50 email accounts
  3. POP3/IMAP Email setup support (Setup excluded)
  4. Email Account Forwarding
  5. Email Autoresponder
  6. Unlimited FTP Accounts/Databases
  7. Log Files + Website Stats
  8. Custom Cronjobs
  9. PHP 5, Support For Custom PHP.INI Files
  10. Javascript/DHTML
  11. Reasonable Bandwidth
  12. 1 domain per account
  13. FTP access.
  14. Unlimited MYSQL databases.

Hosting Services

  1. Hosting upgrades (Code and servers and site relocation)
  2. Website setup and day to day management
  3. Remote assistance with email setup (Mobile devices excepted)


Annual fee

Website Upgrade & Security Support

Standard Hosting Support plus:

  1. Regular website upgrades (WordPress and plugins) in line with security updates or software improvements.
    If an upgrade fails (i.e. site is damaged or is not rendering correctly) then we will restore the backup and attempt to resolve.
    We limit any upgrade resolution to 2 hrs – time in excess of 2 hours is charged for at our hourly rate
  2. Immediate attention (during working hours) if your website is virused or hacked
    On identification of a hacked site we will restore the backup and attempt to resolve
    We allow 8 hrs to resolve any hacked wordpress site – time in excess of 8 hours is charged for at our hourly rate
  3. Weekly website backups (1 onsite and another off site)
  4. Plugin licences and upgrade fees – (Dependant on what plugins you require)
  5. Bug fixes – Usually as a result of software enhancements/upgrades
    Due to the nature of bugs we limit each to 30 mins for correction – time in excess of 30 mins is charged at our hourly rate


Standard hosting fee + Security/Upgrade fee – charged annually

Contact Us
© 2025 Imarketingonly All rights reserved.


The Great Oast, Steep Marsh Petersfield Hampshire GU32 2BN
125/5A Srisoonthorn Road. Cherngtalay District. Thalang Phuket 83110
+66 (0) 76 324184 +66(0) 898 740 040 +44 (0) 1730 895648 +44 (0) 208 1234 164 +44 (0) 7798 554540 Start Price 120 GBP