We all know when you read information on the web you tend to skim read. The Nielsen Norman Group have carried out some recent research on how much users read on the web and the results are frightening. If users have time to read, at the most they will read, 28% of the words during an average visit. It means whatever content you’re putting in has to work.
Content Formatting
Everyone knows content should be carefully formatted but so many people don’t do it! Content must be readable or legible and quick to read or scannable.
Content Architecture
And now for the content.
Page Layout
When you’re structuring your page think about where you want visitors to look. Naturally, people will look at large imagery before small and irregular shapes before regular shapes.
So, if you want to bring attention to something then make it larger and at the top of the page. It also helps if you keep the design simple. Keeping your key message with plenty of white space around it will help make it stand out. Just like print advertising, less is more!
It’s worth remembering that even after you’ve done all this there is still no guarantees visitors will read everything……..