1. Login to wordpress
2. Check is it use Forms or Contacts? see (gravity-form1.png)
3. If have Forms so it mean they use Gravity Form
4. Check is it have thankyou page or not? If have then do no 8 see (gravity-form3.png, gravity-form4.png)
5. If no have Create new Thankyou-subscribe page see (gravity-form2.png)
6. add new thank you page to confirmation page
7. Make sure every page have Google tracking code (view source and see this code ) see (google-analytics.png)
If you done know how to get Google Tracking please see tracking and tracking2
8. Login to google analytics go to real time for get page url and check goal see
(google-analytics1.png ->google-analytics2->google-analytics3.png )
9. Go to Admin-> Vew-> Goal See ( google-analytics4.png )
10. Create new goal see step google-analytics5->google-analytics6->( google-analytics7.png )
11. Test by go to Real Time->Conversions-> Then test enter data on form if it work see you will see same as attach ( google-analytics8.png )