How to move WordPress images to Amazon S3

Install the WordPress plugins:

  1. Install ‘Amazon Web Services’ Plugin and installed, activate the plugin. see image
  2. Defining your Amazon S3 access keys in wp-config.php, copy the following below command into wp-config.php and replace the stars with the keys:
    define( ‘DBI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID’, ‘********************’ );
    define( ‘DBI_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY’, ‘****************************************’ );
  3. Install ‘WP Offload S3 Lite’ Plugin and installed, activate the plugin. see image

Integrate WP Offload S3 with Amazon S3

  1. Go to its settings then select option to ‘Browse Existing Buckets’. see image
  2. Select the bucket you’ve created earlier. see image
  3. Let’s go over these settings, starting with the Enable/Disable the Plugin section. see image

All the older image been transfer in Amazon S3

  1. Go to Tools then click ‘Regenerate Thumbnails’ and press the button: ‘Regenerate All Thumbnails’. see image
  2. It may take a long time to process. After that all your images will be moved to Amazon S3 and file gets removed from your site’s web server. see image
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