Digital Marketing Knowledge Base – Using SNAP Plugin

1. Facebook

SNAP can make several different types of posts to Facebook.

Here is the list of them all with settings and examples.

Post Type: (See Screen shots below)

1. Text post.

2. Image Post – big image with text message.

3. Text Post with “attached” blogpost.

Share a link to your blogpost.
Attach your blogpost.


Message Format: (See Screen shots below)

You can add more format into box. See format below

How to use Social Networks Auto Poster Plugin




Image(s) to use: (See Screen shots below)

If you Untick on box Image(s) to use, It will show all of image that you have on that post, then you can select


Button “Repost to Facebook” (See Screen shots below)

If you made any changes to the format, Please “Update” the post before reposting


2. Twitter


Message Format: (See Screen shots below)

You can add more format into box. See format below

How to use Social Networks Auto Poster Plugin




Attach Image to Twitter Post: (See Screen shots below)

If Tick on box: Attach image will show to Twitter Post

If Untick on box: No have Attach image to Twitter Post


Image(s) to use: (See Screen shots below)

If you Untick on box Image(s) to use, It will show all of image that you have on that post, then you can select


Button “Repost to Twitter” (See Screen shots below)

If you made any changes to the format, Please “Update” the post before reposting

Instruction Gallery

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